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Draft Standard Objects Clauses for Non-Profit Non-Charitable Corporations



1. Community Association: The establishment and maintenance of a community organization for the purposes of
a) developing and fostering community spirit;
b) promoting organized athletics, arts, recreation, education, civic emergency, social service and other community endeavors;
c) establishing and maintaining a community home;
d) promoting adult educational, recreational and athletic facilities and equipment for benefit to the community;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

2. Community Centre: The establishment and operation of a community centre for the purposes of
a) promoting the best interests of the community generally;
b) promoting interest in athletics, sports and recreation in the community and establishing and maintaining physical facilities and equipment for same;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

3. Community Club: The establishment and operation of a community club for the purposes of
a) promoting and fostering community spirit and engaging in work of a moral, benevolent and community service nature for the residents of_____________;
b) organizing cultural and recreational events;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

4. Conservation: The establishment and operation of a conservation association for the purposes of
a) uniting all persons interested in the conservation of flora and fauna, the natural beauties of (locale) and the beautification, preservation and extension of parks and green belts;
b) gathering and exchanging ideas, data and statistical, scientific, horticultural and botanical information;
c) assuring protection and enhancing appreciation of the ecology of the natural environment;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

5. Ethnic: The establishment and operation of a club for the purposes of
a) uniting the residents of Ontario who are of _________ origin;
b) preserving and perpetuating the traditions of ________;
c) sponsoring literary, musical and other educational and cultural events, festivals, pageants and conventions for the promotion of people of ___________ descent;
d) promoting interests of members and mutual aid and assistance whenever necessary;
e) establishing and maintaining a centre for cultural activities for Canadians of ___________descent in the Province of Ontario;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

6. Fraternity / Sorority: The establishment and operation of a fraternity/sorority for the purposes of
a) promoting the mutual interests of its members;
b) establishing and operating a house for its members with all the usual accommodation and conveniences of a club and providing suitable quarters and entertainment for its members and their friends;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

7. Historical: The establishment and operation of a historical society for the purposes of
a) promoting public interest in the history, of (place) and to encourage research therein;
b) conducting and promoting historical and archaeological research;
c) maintaining a library and museum;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

8. Home and School Association: The establishment and operation of a home and school association for the purposes of
a) promoting the study of child problems, for the creation and development of the best conditions for the training of boys and girls;
b) uniting parents of school children and teachers of such children attending schools in ____________;
c) co-operating with school boards and other home and school associations;
d) providing to school boards, boards of education and the Ministry of Education and Training progressive measures and helping make public opinion favourable to reform and advancement of such matters;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

9. Lobbying: The establishment and operation of a public lobbying organization for the purposes of
a) securing public support in Canada for the enactment/repeal of legislation by the government dealing with _______________;
b) making representations to the government for the enactment/repeal of such legislation;
c) rendering assistance to the government by supplying information collected as result of research carried on under the auspices of the corporation;
d) co-ordinating activities of the corporation with those of similar organizations, societies and individuals in Canada;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

10. Research / Scientific: The establishment and operations of a research/scientific association for the purposes of
a) undertaking technical, statistical and scientific research in commercial, industrial, cultural and scientific fields;
b) engaging in the investigation and development of products, methods of manufacturing and distribution;
c) promoting the science of __________ and the knowledge and practice thereof;
d) holding conferences, meetings and exhibitions for the discussion of __________ problems and exchange of views thereon;
e) establishing scientific projects;
f) establishing a library or collection of books or other publications dealing with ___________;
g) establishing and maintaining suitable quarters and facilities for the corporation to further its objects;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

11. Residents: The establishment and operation of a residents’ association for the purposes of
a) advancing the cultural and social interests of the seasonal and permanent owners and residents of properties in and around ____________ in the province of Ontario;
b) carrying on research and investigation into problems connected with the ownership, development, management, financing and promotion of real property in ______________;
c) promoting aquatic, athletic, physical and other social and cultural activities among the residents of the said area;
d) opening and maintaining private roadways for the exclusive use of members and their guests;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

12. Service Club: The establishment and operation of a service club for the purposes of
a) pursuing interests in the civic, commercial, social and moral welfare of the community;
b) providing a forum for the discussion of all matters of public interest;
c) promoting and fostering interests in the welfare of the World and international relationships;
d) promoting the principles of good government and good citizenship;
e) uniting persons interested in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding;
f) encouraging and carrying on social and welfare work;
g) improving and promoting good business and professional ethics;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

13. Social Club: The establishment and operation of a social club for the purposes of
a) providing facilities for the pleasure and accommodation of members and guests;
b) organizing social and cultural events;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

14. Social Service Organization: The establishment and operation of a social service organization for the purposes of engaging in and encouraging social and juvenile welfare work, and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

15. Women’s Affairs: The establishment and operation of a women’s affairs organization for the purposes of
a) promoting the interests of women in all aspects of daily life;
b) providing a forum for the discussion of public issues affecting women;
and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.


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